Dreaming deeper - a Jungian art weekend

Dreaming Deeper - a Jungian Art Weekend


This weekend workshop utilizes a hands-on, creative approach for discovering the deeper messages of your dreams...


Join me for a transformative weekend course where we will explore three arts-based techniques to uncover the deeper meanings of our dreams. Through drawing, collage, and writing, we will delve into our dream images, gaining an intuitive understanding of the underlying currents of our psychic energy.

You do not need to have any previous experience with dreamwork or any skill with artistic methods. The focus will be on the process and curiously seeing what arises from it.

Saturday will include two exercises: the first one will be focused on a more holistic and emotional outlook on a dream. The second exercise will examine the dream through a more detailed exploration of it's different elements through collage and writing.

On Sunday we will make images about each others dreams, drawing inspiration from Montague Ullman's method of dream analysis in addition to the Jungian framework. 

To participate in the workshop you will need to have at least three recent dreams which feel meaningful to you. 

You'll also need just a few simple art materials:

-several pieces of thin A4 (letter size) paper


-cardstock for collage

-old magazines to cut out

-scissors, glue and masking tape

You're warmly welcome to join the weekend and if you have any further questions about the workshop do not hesitate to contact me! 


November 10th 2024: 15:00 - 21:00 UTC

November 11th, 2024: 15:00- 22:00 UTC