Mythical Creativity - A Jungian art therapy workshop


Mythical Creativity - A weekend workshop 


Explore the mythopoetic layers of your creativity through creation myths and painting.


During this weekend, we will explore how the energy of creativity moves within us both personally and collectively. We will engage in therapeutic art exercises based on Jungian psychology. We will read creation myths in which the wisdom of the ancient people guide us to the essence of creative energy.

Through these stories, we will reflect on our own way of creating through five specific themes. These themes have been inspired by Marie-Louise Von Franzes work on common patterns and symbols of creation myths and their reflection on psychic processes.

Creativity is not confined to art; it is the energy with which we create new life on all levels. Creativity is a tool that, when utilized, can help us create things in our lives and in our future on a very practical level.

Ultimately though, the aim is not only to understand creativity but also to enjoy the joy, flow, and magic it brings into our life. During the weekend, we will paint, draw, write, and do bodily exercises. You do not need any previous experience in making art. The goal is not to create finished works or to accomplish anything but rather to explore the process in a non-judgmental environment: the journey is what matters most!

During the weekend you will have the possibility to awaken your own creativity, discover the magic of myths, and find a deeper connection to yourself through art. This is a time and space for you to delve into yourself with the support of a group.

TIME: Weekend workshop includes two days:

October 26th, 2024: 15:00 - 22:00 UTC

October 27th, 2024: 15:00- 21:00 UTC

Check your timezone here.